Diffusion Models Generate Images Like Painters: an Analytical Theory of Outline First, Details Later
How do diffusion generative models convert pure noise into meaningful images? We argue that generation involves first committing to an outline, and then to finer and finer details. The corresponding reverse diffusion process can be modeled by dynamics on a (time-dependent) high-dimensional landscape full of Gaussian-like modes, which makes the following predictions: (i) individual trajectories tend to be very low-dimensional; (ii) scene elements that vary more within training data tend to emerge earlier; and (iii) early perturbations substantially change image content more often than late perturbations. We show that the behavior of a variety of trained unconditional and conditional diffusion models like Stable Diffusion is consistent with these predictions. Finally, we use our theory to search for the latent image manifold of diffusion models, and propose a new way to generate interpretable image variations. Our viewpoint suggests generation by GANs and diffusion models have unexpected similarities.