DisguiseNet : A Contrastive Approach for Disguised Face Verification in the Wild

by   Skand Vishwanath Peri, et al.

This paper describes our approach for the Disguised Faces in the Wild (DFW) 2018 challenge. The task here is to verify the identity of a person among disguised and impostors images. Given the importance of the task of face verification it is essential to compare methods across a common platform. Our approach is based on VGG-face architecture paired with Contrastive loss based on cosine distance met- ric. For augmenting the data set, we source more data from the internet. The experiments show the effectiveness of the approach on the DFW data. We show that adding extra data to the DFW dataset with noisy labels also helps in increasing the gen 11 eralization performance of the network. The proposed network achieves 27.13 over the DFW baseline.


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