Distinction Maximization Loss: Efficiently Improving Classification Accuracy, Uncertainty Estimation, and Out-of-Distribution Detection Simply Replacing the Loss and Calibratin

by   David Macêdo, et al.

Building robust deterministic neural networks remains a challenge. On the one hand, some approaches improve out-of-distribution detection at the cost of reducing classification accuracy in some situations. On the other hand, some methods simultaneously increase classification accuracy, uncertainty estimation, and out-of-distribution detection at the expense of reducing the inference efficiency and requiring training the same model many times to tune hyperparameters. In this paper, we propose training deterministic neural networks using our DisMax loss, which works as a drop-in replacement for the usual SoftMax loss (i.e., the combination of the linear output layer, the SoftMax activation, and the cross-entropy loss). Starting from the IsoMax+ loss, we create each logit based on the distances to all prototypes rather than just the one associated with the correct class. We also introduce a mechanism to combine images to construct what we call fractional probability regularization. Moreover, we present a fast way to calibrate the network after training. Finally, we propose a composite score to perform out-of-distribution detection. Our experiments show that DisMax usually outperforms current approaches simultaneously in classification accuracy, uncertainty estimation, and out-of-distribution detection while maintaining deterministic neural network inference efficiency and avoiding training the same model repetitively for hyperparameter tuning. The code to reproduce the results is available at https://github.com/dlmacedo/distinction-maximization-loss.


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