Do Models Really Learn to Follow Instructions? An Empirical Study of Instruction Tuning

by   Po-Nien Kung, et al.

Recent works on instruction tuning (IT) have achieved great performance with zero-shot generalizability to unseen tasks. With additional context (e.g., task definition, examples) provided to models for fine-tuning, they achieved much higher performance than untuned models. However, despite impressive performance gains, the underlying mechanism for IT to work remains understudied. In this work, we analyze how models utilize instructions during IT by comparing model training with altered vs. original instructions. Specifically, we create simplified task definitions by removing all semantic components and only leaving the output space information, and delusive examples that contain incorrect input-output mapping. Our experiments show that models trained on simplified task definition or delusive examples can achieve comparable performance to the ones trained on the original instructions and examples. Furthermore, we introduce a random baseline to perform zero-shot classification tasks, and find it achieves similar performance (40 accuracy). In summary, our analysis provides evidence that the impressive performance gain of current IT models can come from picking up superficial patterns, such as learning the output format and guessing. Our study highlights the urgent need for more reliable IT methods and evaluation.


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