Dynamic (1+ε)-Approximate Matching Size in Truly Sublinear Update Time

by   Sayan Bhattacharya, et al.

We show a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining (1+ϵ)-approximate size of maximum matching of the graph with n vertices and m edges using m^0.5-Ω_ϵ(1) update time. This is the first polynomial improvement over the long-standing O(n) update time, which can be trivially obtained by periodic recomputation. Thus, we resolve the value version of a major open question of the dynamic graph algorithms literature (see, e.g., [Gupta and Peng FOCS'13], [Bernstein and Stein SODA'16],[Behnezhad and Khanna SODA'22]). Our key technical component is the first sublinear algorithm for (1,ϵ n)-approximate maximum matching with sublinear running time on dense graphs. All previous algorithms suffered a multiplicative approximation factor of at least 1.499 or assumed that the graph has a very small maximum degree.


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