Effect of Interim Adaptations in Group Sequential Designs

by   Sergey Tarima, et al.

This manuscript investigates unconditional and conditional-on-stopping maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs), information measures and information loss associated with conditioning in group sequential designs (GSDs). The possibility of early stopping brings truncation to the distributional form of MLEs; sequentially, GSD decisions eliminate some events from the sample space. Multiple testing induces mixtures on the adapted sample space. Distributions of MLEs are mixtures of truncated distributions. Test statistics that are asymptotically normal without GSD, have asymptotic distributions, under GSD, that are non-normal mixtures of truncated normal distributions under local alternatives; under fixed alternatives, asymptotic distributions of test statistics are degenerate. Estimation of various statistical quantities such as information, information fractions, and confidence intervals should account for the effect of planned adaptations. Calculation of adapted information fractions requires substantial computational effort. Therefore, a new GSD is proposed in which stage-specific sample sizes are fully determined by desired operational characteristics, and calculation of information fractions is not needed.


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