Efficient, Doubly Robust Estimation of the Effect of Dose Switching for Switchers in a Randomised Clinical Trial

by   Kelly Van Lancker, et al.

Motivated by a clinical trial conducted by Janssen Pharmaceuticals in which a flexible dosing regimen is compared to placebo, we evaluate how switchers in the treatment arm (i.e., patients who were switched to the higher dose) would have fared had they been kept on the low dose. This in order to understand whether flexible dosing is potentially beneficial for them. Simply comparing these patients' responses with those of patients who stayed on the low dose is unsatisfactory because the latter patients are usually in a better health condition. Because the available information in the considered trial is too scarce to enable a reliable adjustment, we will instead transport data from a fixed dosing trial that has been conducted concurrently on the same target, albeit not in an identical patient population. In particular, we will propose an estimator which relies on an outcome model and a propensity score model for the association between study and patient characteristics. The proposed estimator is asymptotically unbiased if at least one of both models is correctly specified, and efficient (under the model defined by the restrictions on the propensity score) when both models are correctly specified. We show that the proposed method for using results from an external study is generically applicable in studies where a classical confounding adjustment is not possible due to positivity violation (e.g., studies where switching takes place in a deterministic manner). Monte Carlo simulations and application to the motivating study demonstrate adequate performance.


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