Efficient, Effective and Well Justified Estimation of Active Nodes within a Cluster
Reliable and efficient estimation of the size of a dynamically changing cluster in an IoT network is critical in its nominal operation. Most previous estimation schemes worked with relatively smaller frame size and large number of rounds. Here we propose a new estimator named “ Gaussian Estimator of Active Nodes,” (GEAN), that works with large enough frame size under which testing statistics is well approximated as a Gaussian variable, thereby requiring less number of frames, and thus less total number of channel slots to attain a desired accuracy in estimation. More specifically, the selection of the frame size is done according to Triangular Array Central Limit Theorem which also enables us to quantify the approximation error. Larger frame size helps the statistical average to converge faster to the ensemble mean of the estimator and the quantification of the approximation error helps to determine the number of rounds to keep up with the accuracy requirements. We present the analysis of our scheme under two different channel models i.e. {0,1 } and {0,1,e }, whereas all previous schemes worked only under {0,1 } channel model. The overall performance of GEAN is better than the previously proposed schemes considering the number of slots required for estimation to achieve a given level of estimation accuracy.