Efficient LSM-Tree Key-Value Data Management on Hybrid SSD/HDD Zoned Storage

by   Jinhong Li, et al.

Zoned storage devices, such as zoned namespace (ZNS) solid-state drives (SSDs) and host-managed shingled magnetic recording (HM-SMR) hard-disk drives (HDDs), expose interfaces for host-level applications to support fine-grained, high-performance storage management. Combining ZNS SSDs and HM-SMR HDDs into a unified hybrid storage system is a natural direction to scale zoned storage at low cost, yet how to effectively incorporate zoned storage awareness into hybrid storage is a non-trivial issue. We make a case for key-value (KV) stores based on log-structured merge trees (LSM-trees) as host-level applications, and present HHZS, a middleware system that bridges an LSM-tree KV store with hybrid zoned storage devices based on hints. HHZS leverages hints issued by the flushing, compaction, and caching operations of the LSM-tree KV store to manage KV objects in placement, migration, and caching in hybrid ZNS SSD and HM-SMR HDD zoned storage. Experiments show that our HHZS prototype, when running on real ZNS SSD and HM-SMR HDD devices, achieves the highest throughput compared with all baselines under various settings.


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