Environment-based Assistance Modulation for a Hip Exosuit via Computer Vision
Just like in humans vision plays a fundamental role in guiding adaptive locomotion, when designing the control strategy for a walking assistive technology, Computer Vision may bring substantial improvements when performing an environment-based assistance modulation. In this work, we developed a hip exosuit controller able to distinguish among three different walking terrains through the use of an RGB camera and to adapt the assistance accordingly. The system was tested with seven healthy participants walking throughout an overground path comprising of staircases and level ground. Subjects performed the task with the exosuit disabled (Exo Off), constant assistance profile (Vision Off ), and with assistance modulation (Vision On). Our results showed that the controller was able to promptly classify in real-time the path in front of the user with an overall accuracy per class above the 85 perform assistance modulation accordingly. Evaluation related to the effects on the user showed that Vision On was able to outperform the other two conditions: we obtained significantly higher metabolic savings than Exo Off, with a peak of about -20 and than Vision Off when ascending or descending stairs. Such advancements in the field may yield to a step forward for the exploitation of lightweight walking assistive technologies in real-life scenarios.