Error-driven Input Modulation: Solving the Credit Assignment Problem without a Backward Pass

by   Giorgia Dellaferrera, et al.

Supervised learning in artificial neural networks typically relies on backpropagation, where the weights are updated based on the error-function gradients and sequentially propagated from the output layer to the input layer. Although this approach has proven effective in a wide domain of applications, it lacks biological plausibility in many regards, including the weight symmetry problem, the dependence of learning on non-local signals, the freezing of neural activity during error propagation, and the update locking problem. Alternative training schemes - such as sign symmetry, feedback alignment, and direct feedback alignment - have been introduced, but invariably rely on a backward pass that hinders the possibility of solving all the issues simultaneously. Here, we propose to replace the backward pass with a second forward pass in which the input signal is modulated based on the error of the network. We show that this novel learning rule comprehensively addresses all the above-mentioned issues and can be applied to both fully connected and convolutional models. We test this learning rule on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100. These results help incorporate biological principles into machine learning.


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