Estimating Joint Probability Distribution With Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition, Radon Transforms and Dictionaries
In this paper, we describe a method for estimating the joint probability density from data samples by assuming that the underlying distribution can be decomposed as a mixture of product densities with few mixture components. Prior works have used such a decomposition to estimate the joint density from lower-dimensional marginals, which can be estimated more reliably with the same number of samples. We combine two key ideas: dictionaries to represent 1-D densities, and random projections to estimate the joint distribution from 1-D marginals, explored separately in prior work. Our algorithm benefits from improved sample complexity over the previous dictionary-based approach by using 1-D marginals for reconstruction. We evaluate the performance of our method on estimating synthetic probability densities and compare it with the previous dictionary-based approach and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). Our algorithm outperforms these other approaches in all the experimental settings.