Evaluating Regular Path Queries in GQL and SQL/PGQ: How Far Can The Classical Algorithms Take Us?

by   Benjamín Farías, et al.

We tackle the problem of answering regular path queries over graph databases, while simultaneously returning the paths which witness our answers. We study this problem under the arbitrary, all-shortest, trail, and simple-path semantics, which are the common path matching semantics considered in the research literature, and are also prescribed by the upcoming ISO Graph Query Language (GQL) and SQL/PGQ standards. In the paper we present how the classical product construction from the theoretical literature on graph querying can be modified in order to allow returning paths. We then discuss how this approach can be implemented, both when the data resides in a classical B+ tree structure, and when it is assumed to be available in main memory via a compressed sparse row representation. Finally, we perform a detailed experimental study of different trade-offs these algorithms have over real world queries, and compare them with existing approaches.


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