ExaASC: A General Target-Based Stance Detection Corpus in Arabic Language

by   Mohammad Mehdi Jaziriyan, et al.

Target-based Stance Detection is the task of finding a stance toward a target. Twitter is one of the primary sources of political discussions in social media and one of the best resources to analyze Stance toward entities. This work proposes a new method toward Target-based Stance detection by using the stance of replies toward a most important and arguing target in source tweet. This target is detected with respect to the source tweet itself and not limited to a set of pre-defined targets which is the usual approach of the current state-of-the-art methods. Our proposed new attitude resulted in a new corpus called ExaASC for the Arabic Language, one of the low resource languages in this field. In the end, we used BERT to evaluate our corpus and reached a 70.69 Macro F-score. This shows that our data and model can work in a general Target-base Stance Detection system. The corpus is publicly available1.


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