ExpertoCoder: Capturing Divergent Brain Regions Using Mixture of Regression Experts
fMRI semantic category understanding using linguistic encoding models attempts to learn a forward mapping that relates stimuli to the corresponding brain activation. Classical encoding models use linear multivariate methods to predict brain activation (all the voxels) given the stimulus. However, these methods mainly assume multiple regions as one vast uniform region or several independent regions, ignoring connections among them. In this paper, we present a mixture of experts model for predicting brain activity patterns. Given a new stimulus, the model predicts the entire brain activation as a weighted linear combination of activation of multiple experts. We argue that each expert captures activity patterns related to a particular region of interest (ROI) in the human brain. Thus, the utility of the proposed model is twofold. It not only accurately predicts the brain activation for a given stimulus, but it also reveals the level of activation of individual brain regions. Results of our experiments highlight the importance of the proposed model for predicting brain activation. This study also helps in understanding which of the brain regions get activated together, given a certain kind of stimulus. Importantly, we suggest that the mixture of regression experts (MoRE) framework successfully combines the two principles of organization of function in the brain, namely that of specialization and integration.