Extracting Digital Biomarkers for Unobtrusive Stress State Screening from Multimodal Wearable Data

by   Berrenur Saylam, et al.

With the development of wearable technologies, a new kind of healthcare data has become valuable as medical information. These data provide meaningful information regarding an individual's physiological and psychological states, such as activity level, mood, stress, and cognitive health. These biomarkers are named digital since they are collected from digital devices integrated with various sensors. In this study, we explore digital biomarkers related to stress modality by examining data collected from mobile phones and smartwatches. We utilize machine learning techniques on the Tesserae dataset, precisely Random Forest, to extract stress biomarkers. Using feature selection techniques, we utilize weather, activity, heart rate (HR), stress, sleep, and location (work-home) measurements from wearables to determine the most important stress-related biomarkers. We believe we contribute to interpreting stress biomarkers with a high range of features from different devices. In addition, we classify the 5 different stress levels with the most important features, and our results show that we can achieve 85% overall class accuracy by adjusting class imbalance and adding extra features related to personality characteristics. We perform similar and even better results in recognizing stress states with digital biomarkers in a daily-life scenario targeting a higher number of classes compared to the related studies.


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