Extreme Limit Theory of Competing Risks under Power Normalization
Advanced science and technology provide a wealth of big data from different sources for extreme value analysis.Classic extreme value theory was extended to obtain an accelerated max-stable distribution family for modelling competing risk-based extreme data in Cao and Zhang (2021). In this paper, we establish probability models for power normalized maxima and minima from competing risks. The limit distributions consist of an extensional new accelerated max-stable and min-stable distribution family (termed as the accelerated p-max/p-min stable distribution), and its left-truncated version. The limit types of distributions are determined principally by the sample generating process and the interplay among the competing risks, which are illustrated by common examples. Further, the statistical inference concerning the maximum likelihood estimation and model diagnosis of this model was investigated. Numerical studies show first the efficient approximation of all limit scenarios as well as its comparable convergence rate in contrast with those under linear normalization, and then present the maximum likelihood estimation and diagnosis of accelerated p-max/p-min stable models for simulated data sets. Finally, two real datasets concerning annual maximum of ground level ozone and survival times of Stanford heart plant demonstrate the performance of our accelerated p-max and accelerated p-min stable models.