Fairness-aware Message Passing for Graph Neural Networks

by   Huaisheng Zhu, et al.

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown great power in various domains. However, their predictions may inherit societal biases on sensitive attributes, limiting their adoption in real-world applications. Although many efforts have been taken for fair GNNs, most existing works just adopt widely used fairness techniques in machine learning to graph domains and ignore or don't have a thorough understanding of the message passing mechanism with fairness constraints, which is a distinctive feature of GNNs. To fill the gap, we propose a novel fairness-aware message passing framework GMMD, which is derived from an optimization problem that considers both graph smoothness and representation fairness. GMMD can be intuitively interpreted as encouraging a node to aggregate representations of other nodes from different sensitive groups while subtracting representations of other nodes from the same sensitive group, resulting in fair representations. We also provide a theoretical analysis to justify that GMMD can guarantee fairness, which leads to a simpler and theory-guided variant GMMD-S. Extensive experiments on graph benchmarks show that our proposed framework can significantly improve the fairness of various backbone GNN models while maintaining high accuracy.


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