Fairness in Slot Allocation

by   Mehran Makhtoumi, et al.

The recent interpretations of fairness in slot allocation of flights are considered as the word equity and upon these interpretations for fairness, aviation agencies as airspace administrators along with stakeholders have been applying ground delay problem procedure with ration by schedule and compression algorithms as fair distribution of slots among them in reduced capacity airports. The drawback of these approaches is that the slots to be allocated to flights are all of the equal size or duration since the flights to be assigned to slots can not be differentiated. In fact, the absence of a scientific framework of fairness in air traffic management has led to the different contradictory interpretations for it. As proposed in this study, fairness is the minimum deviation from the planned outcome in terms of time, quantity and quality under the optimum share management rule for each stakeholder. To achieve fairness in slot allocation of the airport under reduced and normal capacity, a new allocation rule of ration by fairness is proposed in which the elements of time, quantity and quality are proposed to be the original time of departure or arrival, slot size or duration, and airspace safety and preflight checklist, respectively.


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