Fast and Memory-Efficient Significant Pattern Mining via Permutation Testing
We present a novel algorithm, Westfall-Young light, for detecting patterns, such as itemsets and subgraphs, which are statistically significantly enriched in one of two classes. Our method corrects rigorously for multiple hypothesis testing and correlations between patterns through the Westfall-Young permutation procedure, which empirically estimates the null distribution of pattern frequencies in each class via permutations. In our experiments, Westfall-Young light dramatically outperforms the current state-of-the-art approach in terms of both runtime and memory efficiency on popular real-world benchmark datasets for pattern mining. The key to this efficiency is that unlike all existing methods, our algorithm neither needs to solve the underlying frequent itemset mining problem anew for each permutation nor needs to store the occurrence list of all frequent patterns. Westfall-Young light opens the door to significant pattern mining on large datasets that previously led to prohibitive runtime or memory costs.