Fast and Painless Image Reconstruction in Deep Image Prior Subspaces

by   Riccardo Barbano, et al.

The deep image prior (DIP) is a state-of-the-art unsupervised approach for solving linear inverse problems in imaging. We address two key issues that have held back practical deployment of the DIP: the long computing time needed to train a separate deep network per reconstruction, and the susceptibility to overfitting due to a lack of robust early stopping strategies in the unsupervised setting. To this end, we restrict DIP optimisation to a sparse linear subspace of the full parameter space. We construct the subspace from the principal eigenspace of a set of parameter vectors sampled at equally spaced intervals during DIP pre-training on synthetic task-agnostic data. The low-dimensionality of the resulting subspace reduces DIP's capacity to fit noise and allows the use of fast second order optimisation methods, e.g., natural gradient descent or L-BFGS. Experiments across tomographic tasks of different geometry, ill-posedness and stopping criteria consistently show that second order optimisation in a subspace is Pareto-optimal in terms of optimisation time to reconstruction fidelity trade-off.


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