Faster Algorithms for All-Pairs Bounded Min-Cuts

by   Amir Abboud, et al.

Given a directed graph, the vertex connectivity from u to v is the maximum number of internally vertex-disjoint paths from u to v. We design faster algorithms that, given as input a directed graph G with unit node capacities and a threshold k, report for all vertex pairs (s,t) the size of a minimum st-vertex cut (or maximum st-flow or vertex connectivity) if it is <k, or report that it is > k otherwise. We abbreviate this problem kAPMVC, and the unit edge capacities version as kAPMC. We present a randomized algorithm for kAPMVC that runs in time O((nk)^ω), where ω is the fast matrix multiplication exponent. This result stems from an application of the network coding method by Cheung, Lau, and Leung [SICOMP 2013] to vertex-capacitated digraphs. We also present two deterministic algorithms for DAGs for the harder kAPMC and where we also compute min-cut witnesses. The first algorithm is combinatorial and runs in time O(2^O(k^2)mn). The second algorithm is faster on dense DAGs and runs in time O((k n)^4^k+o(k) n^ω). Notice that a solution even to kAPMVC, for any k> 1, implies a solution to triangle finding and to transitive closure: thus, our bounds for k=o(√( n)) and for k=o( n), are tight up to subpolynomial factors in n, where the former applies to combinatorial algorithms [Abboud and Williams, FOCS 2014]. Our results rule out that kAPMVC can be solved as efficiently as a transitive closure computation for all k. We design a novel reduction showing a lower bound of n^ω-1-o(1) k^2 for kAPMVC assuming that 4-Clique requires n^ω+1-o(1) time. For combinatorial algorithms, our reduction implies an n^2-o(1) k^2 conditional lower bound. These lower bounds are higher than previously known ones (under SETH) even for the general case of k=n and for the All-Pairs Max-Flow problem.


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