Faster Interpolation Algorithms for Sparse Multivariate Polynomials Given by Straight-Line Programs\

by   Qiao-Long Huang, et al.

In this paper, we propose new deterministic and Monte Carlo interpolation algorithms for sparse multivariate polynomials represented by straight-line programs. Let f be an n-variate polynomial given by a straight-line program, which has a degree bound D and a term bound T. Our deterministic algorithm is quadratic in n,T and cubic in D in the Soft-Oh sense, which has better complexities than existing deterministic interpolation algorithms in most cases. Our Monte Carlo interpolation algorithms have better complexities than existing Monte Carlo interpolation algorithms and are the first algorithms whose complexities are linear in nT in the Soft-Oh sense. Since nT is a factor of the size of f, our Monte Carlo algorithms are optimal in n and T in the Soft-Oh sense.


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