FD-MobileNet: Improved MobileNet with a Fast Downsampling Strategy

by   Zheng Qin, et al.

We present Fast-Downsampling MobileNet (FD-MobileNet), an efficient and accurate network for very limited computational budgets (e.g., 10-140 MFLOPs). Our key idea is applying an aggressive downsampling strategy to MobileNet framework. In FD-MobileNet, we perform 32× downsampling within 12 layers, only half the layers in the original MobileNet. This design brings three advantages: (i) It remarkably reduces the computational cost. (ii) It increases the information capacity and achieves significant performance improvements. (iii) It is engineering-friendly and provides fast actual inference speed. Experiments on ILSVRC 2012 and PASCAL VOC 2007 datasets demonstrate that FD-MobileNet consistently outperforms MobileNet and achieves comparable results with ShuffleNet under different computational budgets, for instance, surpassing MobileNet by 5.5 3.6 device, FD-MobileNet achieves 1.11× inference speedup over MobileNet and 1.82× over ShuffleNet under the same complexity.


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