Feature Selective Transformer for Semantic Image Segmentation

by   Fangjian Lin, et al.

Recently, it has attracted more and more attentions to fuse multi-scale features for semantic image segmentation. Various works were proposed to employ progressive local or global fusion, but the feature fusions are not rich enough for modeling multi-scale context features. In this work, we focus on fusing multi-scale features from Transformer-based backbones for semantic segmentation, and propose a Feature Selective Transformer (FeSeFormer), which aggregates features from all scales (or levels) for each query feature. Specifically, we first propose a Scale-level Feature Selection (SFS) module, which can choose an informative subset from the whole multi-scale feature set for each scale, where those features that are important for the current scale (or level) are selected and the redundant are discarded. Furthermore, we propose a Full-scale Feature Fusion (FFF) module, which can adaptively fuse features of all scales for queries. Based on the proposed SFS and FFF modules, we develop a Feature Selective Transformer (FeSeFormer), and evaluate our FeSeFormer on four challenging semantic segmentation benchmarks, including PASCAL Context, ADE20K, COCO-Stuff 10K, and Cityscapes, outperforming the state-of-the-art.


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