Finding a Mediocre Player

by   Adrian Dumitrescu, et al.

Consider a totally ordered set S of n elements; as an example, a set of tennis players and their rankings. Further assume that their ranking is a total order and thus satisfies transitivity and anti-symmetry.Following Frances Yao (1974), an element (player) is said to be (i,j)-mediocre if it is neither among the top i nor among the bottom j elements of S. More than 40 years ago, Yao suggested a stunningly simple algorithm for finding an (i,j)-mediocre element: Pick i+j+1 elements arbitrarily and select the (i+1)-th largest among them. She also asked: "Is this the best algorithm?" No one seems to have found such an algorithm ever since. We first provide a deterministic algorithm that beats the worst-case comparison bound in Yao's algorithm for a large range of values of i (and corresponding suitable j=j(i)). We then repeat the exercise for randomized algorithms; the average number of comparisons of our algorithm beats the average comparison bound in Yao's algorithm for another large range of values of i (and corresponding suitable j=j(i)); the improvement is most notable in the symmetric case i=j. Moreover, the tight bound obtained in the analysis of Yao's algorithm allows us to give a definite answer for this class of algorithms. In summary, we answer Yao's question as follows: (i) "Presently not" for deterministic algorithms and (ii) "Definitely not" for randomized algorithms. (In fairness, it should be said however that Yao posed the question in the context of deterministic algorithms.)


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