FourLLIE: Boosting Low-Light Image Enhancement by Fourier Frequency Information

by   Chenxi Wang, et al.

Recently, Fourier frequency information has attracted much attention in Low-Light Image Enhancement (LLIE). Some researchers noticed that, in the Fourier space, the lightness degradation mainly exists in the amplitude component and the rest exists in the phase component. By incorporating both the Fourier frequency and the spatial information, these researchers proposed remarkable solutions for LLIE. In this work, we further explore the positive correlation between the magnitude of amplitude and the magnitude of lightness, which can be effectively leveraged to improve the lightness of low-light images in the Fourier space. Moreover, we find that the Fourier transform can extract the global information of the image, and does not introduce massive neural network parameters like Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) or Transformer. To this end, a two-stage Fourier-based LLIE network (FourLLIE) is proposed. In the first stage, we improve the lightness of low-light images by estimating the amplitude transform map in the Fourier space. In the second stage, we introduce the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) map to provide the prior for integrating the global Fourier frequency and the local spatial information, which recovers image details in the spatial space. With this ingenious design, FourLLIE outperforms the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLIE methods on four representative datasets while maintaining good model efficiency.


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