FP4: Line-rate Greybox Fuzz Testing for P4 Switches

by   Nofel Yaseen, et al.

Compared to fixed-function switches, the flexibility of programmable switches comes at a cost, as programmer mistakes frequently result in subtle bugs in the network data plane. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of FP4, a fuzz-testing framework for P4 switches that achieves high expressiveness, coverage, and scalability. FP4 directly tests running switches by generating semi-random input packets and observing their resulting execution in the data plane. To achieve high coverage and scalability, at runtime, FP4 leverages P4 itself with another "tester" switch that generates and mutates billions of test packets per second entirely in the dataplane. Because testing some program branches requires navigating complex semantic input requirements, FP4 additionally leverages the programmability of P4 by instrumenting the tested program to pass coverage information back to the tester through the packet header. We present case studies showing that FP4 can validate both safety and stateful properties, improves efficiency over existing random packet generation baselines, and reaches 100 examples.


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