FS-NCSR: Increasing Diversity of the Super-Resolution Space via Frequency Separation and Noise-Conditioned Normalizing Flow
Super-resolution suffers from an innate ill-posed problem that a single low-resolution (LR) image can be from multiple high-resolution (HR) images. Recent studies on the flow-based algorithm solve this ill-posedness by learning the super-resolution space and predicting diverse HR outputs. Unfortunately, the diversity of the super-resolution outputs is still unsatisfactory, and the outputs from the flow-based model usually suffer from undesired artifacts which causes low-quality outputs. In this paper, we propose FS-NCSR which produces diverse and high-quality super-resolution outputs using frequency separation and noise conditioning compared to the existing flow-based approaches. As the sharpness and high-quality detail of the image rely on its high-frequency information, FS-NCSR only estimates the high-frequency information of the high-resolution outputs without redundant low-frequency components. Through this, FS-NCSR significantly improves the diversity score without significant image quality degradation compared to the NCSR, the winner of the previous NTIRE 2021 challenge.