GEANN: Scalable Graph Augmentations for Multi-Horizon Time Series Forecasting

by   Sitan Yang, et al.

Encoder-decoder deep neural networks have been increasingly studied for multi-horizon time series forecasting, especially in real-world applications. However, to forecast accurately, these sophisticated models typically rely on a large number of time series examples with substantial history. A rapidly growing topic of interest is forecasting time series which lack sufficient historical data – often referred to as the “cold start” problem. In this paper, we introduce a novel yet simple method to address this problem by leveraging graph neural networks (GNNs) as a data augmentation for enhancing the encoder used by such forecasters. These GNN-based features can capture complex inter-series relationships, and their generation process can be optimized end-to-end with the forecasting task. We show that our architecture can use either data-driven or domain knowledge-defined graphs, scaling to incorporate information from multiple very large graphs with millions of nodes. In our target application of demand forecasting for a large e-commerce retailer, we demonstrate on both a small dataset of 100K products and a large dataset with over 2 million products that our method improves overall performance over competitive baseline models. More importantly, we show that it brings substantially more gains to “cold start” products such as those newly launched or recently out-of-stock.


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