Graph Based Answer Set Programming Solver Systems

by   Fang Li, et al.

Answer set programming (ASP) is a popular nonmonotonic-logic based paradigm for knowledge representation and solving combinatorial problems. Computing the answer set of an ASP program is NP-hard in general, and researchers have been investing significant effort to speed it up. The majority of current ASP solvers employ SAT solver-like technology to find these answer sets. As a result, justification for why a literal is in the answer set is hard to produce. There are dependency graph based approaches to find answer sets, but due to the representational limitations of dependency graphs, such approaches are limited. This paper proposes a novel dependency graph-based approach for finding answer sets in which conjunction of goals is explicitly represented as a node which allows arbitrary answer set programs to be uniformly represented. Our representation preserves causal relationships allowing for justification for each literal in the answer set to be elegantly found. In this paper, we explore two different approaches based on the graph representation: bottom-up and top-down. The bottom-up approach finds models by assigning truth values along with the topological order, while the top-down approach generates models starting from the constraints.


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