Grounded Adaptation for Zero-shot Executable Semantic Parsing

by   Victor Zhong, et al.

We propose Grounded Adaptation for Zero-shot Executable Semantic Parsing (GAZP) to adapt an existing semantic parser to new environments (e.g. new database schemas). GAZP combines a forward semantic parser with a backward utterance generator to synthesize data (e.g. utterances and SQL queries) in the new environment, then selects cycle-consistent examples to adapt the parser. Unlike data-augmentation, which typically synthesizes unverified examples in the training environment, GAZP synthesizes examples in the new environment whose input-output consistency are verified. On the Spider, Sparc, and CoSQL zero-shot semantic parsing tasks, GAZP improves logical form and execution accuracy of the baseline parser. Our analyses show that GAZP outperforms data-augmentation in the training environment, performance increases with the amount of GAZP-synthesized data, and cycle-consistency is central to successful adaptation.


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