Growing a Random Maximal Independent Set Produces a 2-approximate Vertex Cover

by   Nate Veldt, et al.

This paper presents a fast and simple new 2-approximation algorithm for minimum weighted vertex cover. The unweighted version of this algorithm is equivalent to a well-known greedy maximal independent set algorithm. We prove that this independent set algorithm produces a 2-approximate vertex cover, and we provide a principled new way to generalize it to node-weighted graphs. Our analysis is inspired by connections to a clustering objective called correlation clustering. To demonstrate the relationship between these problems, we show how a simple Pivot algorithm for correlation clustering implicitly approximates a special type of hypergraph vertex cover problem. Finally, we use implicit implementations of this maximal independent set algorithm to develop fast and simple 2-approximation algorithms for certain edge-deletion problems that can be reduced to vertex cover in an approximation preserving way.


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