High-performance Data Management for Whole Slide Image Analysis in Digital Pathology

by   Haoju Leng, et al.

When dealing with giga-pixel digital pathology in whole-slide imaging, a notable proportion of data records holds relevance during each analysis operation. For instance, when deploying an image analysis algorithm on whole-slide images (WSI), the computational bottleneck often lies in the input-output (I/O) system. This is particularly notable as patch-level processing introduces a considerable I/O load onto the computer system. However, this data management process can be potentially further paralleled, given the typical independence of patch-level image processes across different patches. This paper details our endeavors in tackling this data access challenge through the implementation of the Adaptable IO System version 2 (ADIOS2). Our focus has been on constructing and releasing a digital pathology-centric pipeline using ADIOS2, which facilitates streamlined data management across WSIs. Additionally, we've developed strategies aimed at curtailing data retrieval times. The performance evaluation encompasses two key scenarios: (1) a pure CPU-based image analysis scenario (termed the "CPU scenario"), and (2) a GPU-based deep learning framework scenario (referred to as the "GPU scenario"). Our findings reveal noteworthy outcomes. Under the CPU scenario, ADIOS2 showcases an impressive two-fold speed-up in comparison to the brute-force approach. In the GPU scenario, its performance stands on par with the cutting-edge GPU I/O acceleration framework, NVIDIA Magnum IO GPU Direct Storage (GDS). From what we know, this appears to be among the initial instances, if any, of utilizing ADIOS2 within the field of digital pathology. The source code has been made publicly available at https://github.com/hrlblab/adios.


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