How well can Text-to-Image Generative Models understand Ethical Natural Language Interventions?

by   Hritik Bansal, et al.

Text-to-image generative models have achieved unprecedented success in generating high-quality images based on natural language descriptions. However, it is shown that these models tend to favor specific social groups when prompted with neutral text descriptions (e.g., 'a photo of a lawyer'). Following Zhao et al. (2021), we study the effect on the diversity of the generated images when adding ethical intervention that supports equitable judgment (e.g., 'if all individuals can be a lawyer irrespective of their gender') in the input prompts. To this end, we introduce an Ethical NaTural Language Interventions in Text-to-Image GENeration (ENTIGEN) benchmark dataset to evaluate the change in image generations conditional on ethical interventions across three social axes – gender, skin color, and culture. Through ENTIGEN framework, we find that the generations from minDALL.E, DALL.E-mini and Stable Diffusion cover diverse social groups while preserving the image quality. Preliminary studies indicate that a large change in the model predictions is triggered by certain phrases such as 'irrespective of gender' in the context of gender bias in the ethical interventions. We release code and annotated data at


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