HPC compact quasi-Newton algorithm for interface problems

by   A. Santiago, et al.

In this work we present a robust interface coupling algorithm called Compact Interface quasi-Newton (CIQN). It is designed for computationally intensive applications using an MPI multi-code partitioned scheme. The algorithm allows to reuse information from previous time steps, feature that has been previously proposed to accelerate convergence. Through algebraic manipulation, an efficient usage of the computational resources is achieved by: avoiding construction of dense matrices and reduce every multiplication to a matrix-vector product and reusing the computationally expensive loops. This leads to a compact version of the original quasi-Newton algorithm. Altogether with an efficient communication, in this paper we show an efficient scalability up to 4800 cores. Three examples with qualitatively different dynamics are shown to prove that the algorithm can efficiently deal with added mass instability and two-field coupled problems. We also show how reusing histories and filtering does not necessarily makes a more robust scheme and, finally, we prove the necessity of this HPC version of the algorithm. The novelty of this article lies in the HPC focused implementation of the algorithm, detailing how to fuse and combine the composing blocks to obtain an scalable MPI implementation. Such an implementation is mandatory in large scale cases, for which the contact surface cannot be stored in a single computational node, or the number of contact nodes is not negligible compared with the size of the domain. o̧p̧y̧ŗi̧ģḩţ <2020> Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/


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