HQDec: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Based on a High-Quality Decoder

by   Fei Wang, et al.

Decoders play significant roles in recovering scene depths. However, the decoders used in previous works ignore the propagation of multilevel lossless fine-grained information, cannot adaptively capture local and global information in parallel, and cannot perform sufficient global statistical analyses on the final output disparities. In addition, the process of mapping from a low-resolution feature space to a high-resolution feature space is a one-to-many problem that may have multiple solutions. Therefore, the quality of the recovered depth map is low. To this end, we propose a high-quality decoder (HQDec), with which multilevel near-lossless fine-grained information, obtained by the proposed adaptive axial-normalized position-embedded channel attention sampling module (AdaAxialNPCAS), can be adaptively incorporated into a low-resolution feature map with high-level semantics utilizing the proposed adaptive information exchange scheme. In the HQDec, we leverage the proposed adaptive refinement module (AdaRM) to model the local and global dependencies between pixels in parallel and utilize the proposed disparity attention module to model the distribution characteristics of disparity values from a global perspective. To recover fine-grained high-resolution features with maximal accuracy, we adaptively fuse the high-frequency information obtained by constraining the upsampled solution space utilizing the local and global dependencies between pixels into the high-resolution feature map generated from the nonlearning method. Extensive experiments demonstrate that each proposed component improves the quality of the depth estimation results over the baseline results, and the developed approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the KITTI and DDAD datasets. The code and models will be publicly available at \href{https://github.com/fwucas/HQDec}{HQDec}.


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