HS-Patch: A New Hermite Smart Bicubic Patch Modification

by   Vaclav Skala, et al.

Bicubic four-sided patches are widely used in computer graphics, CAD/CAM systems etc. Their flexibility is high and enables to compress a surface description before final rendering. However, computer graphics hardware supports only triangular meshes. Therefore, four-sided bicubic patches are approximated by a triangular mesh. The border curves of a bicubic patch are of degree 3, while diagonal and anti-diagonal curves are of degree 6. Therefore the resulting shape and texturing depend on the actual mapping, i.e. how the tessellation of a bicubic patch is made. The proposed new modification of the Hermite bicubic patch, the HS-patch, is a result of additional restriction put on the Hermite bicubic patch formulation - the diagonal and anti-diagonal curves are of degree 3. This requirement leads to a new Hermite based bicubic four-sided patch with 12 control points and another 4 control points, i.e. twist vectors, are computed from those 12 control points.


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