Image Super-Resolution via Sparse Bayesian Modeling of Natural Images

by   Haichao Zhang, et al.

Image super-resolution (SR) is one of the long-standing and active topics in image processing community. A large body of works for image super resolution formulate the problem with Bayesian modeling techniques and then obtain its Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) solution, which actually boils down to a regularized regression task over separable regularization term. Although straightforward, this approach cannot exploit the full potential offered by the probabilistic modeling, as only the posterior mode is sought. Also, the separable property of the regularization term can not capture any correlations between the sparse coefficients, which sacrifices much on its modeling accuracy. We propose a Bayesian image SR algorithm via sparse modeling of natural images. The sparsity property of the latent high resolution image is exploited by introducing latent variables into the high-order Markov Random Field (MRF) which capture the content adaptive variance by pixel-wise adaptation. The high-resolution image is estimated via Empirical Bayesian estimation scheme, which is substantially faster than our previous approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling [1]. It is shown that the actual cost function for the proposed approach actually incorporates a non-factorial regularization term over the sparse coefficients. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can generate competitive or better results than state-of-the-art SR algorithms.


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