Implicit shock tracking for unsteady flows by the method of lines

by   Andrew Shi, et al.

A recently developed high-order implicit shock tracking (HOIST) framework for resolving discontinuous solutions of inviscid, steady conservation laws [41, 43] is extended to the unsteady case. Central to the framework is an optimization problem which simultaneously computes a discontinuity-aligned mesh and the corresponding high-order approximation to the flow, which provides nonlinear stabilization and a high-order approximation to the solution. This work extends the implicit shock tracking framework to the case of unsteady conservation laws using a method of lines discretization via a diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta method by "solving a steady problem at each timestep". We formulate and solve an optimization problem that produces a feature-aligned mesh and solution at each Runge-Kutta stage of each timestep, and advance this solution in time by standard Runge-Kutta update formulas. A Rankine-Hugoniot based prediction of the shock location together with a high-order, untangling mesh smoothing procedure provides a high-quality initial guess for the optimization problem at each time, which results in Newton-like convergence of the sequential quadratic programing (SQP) optimization solver. This method is shown to deliver highly accurate solutions on coarse, high-order discretizations without nonlinear stabilization and recover the design accuracy of the Runge-Kutta scheme. We demonstrate this framework on a series of inviscid, unsteady conservation laws in both one- and two- dimensions. We also verify that our method is able to recover the design order of accuracy of our time integrator in the presence of a strong discontinuity.


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