Improved Quantum Information Set Decoding

by   Elena Kirshanova, et al.

In this paper we present quantum information set decoding (ISD) algorithms for binary linear codes. First, we give an alternative view on the quantum walk based algorithms proposed by Kachigar and Tillich (PQCrypto'17). It is more general and allows to consider any ISD algorithm that has certain properties. The algorithms of May-Meuer-Thomae and Becker-Jeux-May-Meuer satisfy these properties. Second, we translate May-Ozerov Near Neighbour technique (Eurocrypt'15) to an `update-and-query' language more suitable for the quantum walk framework. First, this re-interpretation makes possible to analyse a broader class of algorithms and, second, allows us to combine Near Neighbour search with the quantum walk framework and use both techniques to give a quantum version of Dumer's ISD with Near Neighbour.


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