Improved Search Strategies for Determining Facial Expression
It is well known that popular optimization techniques can lead to overfitting or even a lack of convergence altogether; thus, practitioners often utilize ad hoc regularization terms added to the energy functional. When carefully crafted, these regularizations can produce compelling results. However, regularization changes both the energy landscape and the solution to the optimization problem, which can result in underfitting. Surprisingly, many practitioners both add regularization and claim that their model lacks the expressivity to fit the data. Motivated by a geometric interpretation of the linearized search space, we propose an approach that ameliorates overfitting without the need for regularization terms that restrict the expressiveness of the underlying model. We illustrate the efficacy of our approach on minimization problems related to three-dimensional facial expression estimation where overfitting clouds semantic understanding and regularization may lead to underfitting that misses or misinterprets subtle expressions.