Improving Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Using Element-Wise Activation Scaling

by   Zhi-Yuan Zhang, et al.

Recent works reveal that re-calibrating the intermediate activation of adversarial examples can improve the adversarial robustness of a CNN model. The state of the arts [Baiet al., 2021] and [Yanet al., 2021] explores this feature at the channel level, i.e. the activation of a channel is uniformly scaled by a factor. In this paper, we investigate the intermediate activation manipulation at a more fine-grained level. Instead of uniformly scaling the activation, we individually adjust each element within an activation and thus propose Element-Wise Activation Scaling, dubbed EWAS, to improve CNNs' adversarial robustness. Experimental results on ResNet-18 and WideResNet with CIFAR10 and SVHN show that EWAS significantly improves the robustness accuracy. Especially for ResNet18 on CIFAR10, EWAS increases the adversarial accuracy by 37.65 82.35 improving robustness. The codes are anonymously available at


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