Incorporating compositional heterogeneity into Lie Markov models for phylogenetic inference
Phylogenetics uses alignments of molecular sequence data to learn about evolutionary trees. Substitutions in sequences are modelled through a continuous-time Markov process, characterised by an instantaneous rate matrix, which standard models assume is time-reversible and stationary. These assumptions are biologically questionable and induce a likelihood function which is invariant to a tree's root position. This hampers inference because a tree's biological interpretation depends critically on where it is rooted. Relaxing both assumptions, we introduce a model whose likelihood can distinguish between rooted trees. The model is non-stationary, with step changes in the instantaneous rate matrix at each speciation event. Exploiting recent theoretical work, each rate matrix belongs to a non-reversible family of Lie Markov models. These models are closed under matrix multiplication, so our extension offers the conceptually appealing property that a tree and all its sub-trees could have arisen from the same family of non-stationary models. We adopt a Bayesian approach, describe an MCMC algorithm for posterior inference and provide software. The biological insight that our model can provide is illustrated through an analysis in which non-reversible but stationary, and non-stationary but reversible models cannot identify a plausible root.