Incremental Outlier Detection Modelling Using Streaming Analytics in Finance Health Care

by   Ch Priyanka, et al.

In this paper, we had built the online model which are built incrementally by using online outlier detection algorithms under the streaming environment. We identified that there is highly necessity to have the streaming models to tackle the streaming data. The objective of this project is to study and analyze the importance of streaming models which is applicable in the real-world environment. In this work, we built various Outlier Detection (OD) algorithms viz., One class Support Vector Machine (OC-SVM), Isolation Forest Adaptive Sliding window approach (IForest ASD), Exact Storm, Angle based outlier detection (ABOD), Local outlier factor (LOF), KitNet, KNN ASD methods. The effectiveness and validity of the above-built models on various finance problems such as credit card fraud detection, churn prediction, ethereum fraud prediction. Further, we also analyzed the performance of the models on the health care prediction problems such as heart stroke prediction, diabetes prediction and heart stroke prediction problems. As per the results and dataset it shows that it performs well for the highly imbalanced datasets that means there is a majority of negative class and minority will be the positive class. Among all the models, the ensemble model strategy IForest ASD model performed better in most of the cases standing in the top 3 models in almost all of the cases.


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