Information Privacy Opinions on Twitter: A Cross-Language Study

by   Felipe González, et al.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal triggered a conversation on Twitter about data practices and their implications. Our research proposes to leverage this conversation to extend the understanding of how information privacy is framed by users worldwide. We collected tweets about the scandal written in Spanish and English between April and July 2018. We created a word embedding to create a reduced multi-dimensional representation of the tweets in each language. For each embedding, we conducted open coding to characterize the semantic contexts of key concepts: "information", "privacy", "company" and "users" (and their Spanish translations). Through a comparative analysis, we found a broader emphasis on privacy-related words associated with companies in English. We also identified more terms related to data collection in English and fewer associated with security mechanisms, control, and risks. Our findings hint at the potential of cross-language comparisons of text to extend the understanding of worldwide differences in information privacy perspectives.


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