Inhomogeneous Social Recommendation with Hypergraph Convolutional Networks

by   Zirui Zhu, et al.

Incorporating social relations into the recommendation system, i.e. social recommendation, has been widely studied in academic and industrial communities. While many promising results have been achieved, existing methods mostly assume that the social relations can be homogeneously applied to all the items, which is not practical for users' actually diverse preferences. In this paper, we argue that the effect of the social relations should be inhomogeneous, that is, two socially-related users may only share the same preference on some specific items, while for the other products, their preferences can be inconsistent or even contradictory. Inspired by this idea, we build a novel social recommendation model, where the traditional pair-wise "user-user” relation is extended to the triple relation of "user-item-user”. To well handle such high-order relations, we base our framework on the hypergraph. More specifically, each hyperedge connects a user-user-item triplet, representing that the two users share similar preferences on the item. We develop a Social HyperGraph Convolutional Network (short for SHGCN) to learn from the complex triplet social relations. With the hypergraph convolutional networks, the social relations can be modeled in a more fine-grained manner, which more accurately depicts real users' preferences, and benefits the recommendation performance. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate our model's effectiveness. Studies on data sparsity and hyper-parameter studies further validate our model's rationality. Our codes and dataset are available at


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