Inter/extrapolation-based multirate schemes – a dynamic-iteration perspective

by   Andreas Bartel, et al.

Multirate behavior of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) is characterized by widely separated time constants in different components of the solution or different additive terms of the right-hand side. Here, classical multirate schemes are dedicated solvers, which apply (e.g.) micro and macro steps to resolve fast and slow changes in a transient simulation accordingly. The use of extrapolation and interpolation procedures is a genuine way for coupling the different parts, which are defined on different time grids. This paper contains for the first time, to the best knowledge of the authors, a complete convergence theory for inter/extrapolation-based multirate schemes for both ODEs and DAEs of index one, which are based on the fully-decoupled approach, the slowest-first and the fastest-first approach. The convergence theory is based on linking these schemes to multirate dynamic iteration schemes, i.e., dynamic iteration schemes without further iterations. This link defines naturally stability conditions for the DAE case.


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