Internet of Things Architectures: A Comparative Study

by   Marcela G. dos Santos, et al.

Over the past two decades, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become an underlying concept to a variety of solutions and technologies that it is now hardly possible to enumerate and describe all of them. The concept behind the Internet of Things is as powerful as it is complex, and for the components in the IoT solution tomesh together perfectly, they all have to be part of a well-thought-out structure. That is where understanding the IoT architecture becomes paramount. Because of the vast domain of IoT, there is no single consensus on IoT architecture. Different researchers and organizations proposed different architectures under a variety of classifications, mainly: conceptual, standard and, industrial or commercial adoption. It is indispensable to make a systematic analysis of IoT architecture to be able to compare the industrial proposals and identify their similarities and their differences. In this work, we summarize information about seven IoT industrial architectures in order to propose an approach that makes possible a comparative analysis between different IoT architectures. This work presents two main contributions: (i) an approach for analyzing and comparing IoTarchitectures using Layer-Model; (ii) a comparative study of seven industrial IoT architectures.


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