ISEA: Image Steganalysis using Evolutionary Algorithms
NP-hard problems always have been attracting scientists' attentions, and most often seen in the emerging challenging issues. The most interesting NP-hard problems emerging in the world of data science is Curse of dimensionality (CoD). Recently, this problem has penetrated most of high technology domains like advanced image processing, particularly image steganalysis. The universal and smarter steganalysis algorithms provide a huge number of attributes, which make working with data hard to process. In large data sets, finding a pattern which governs whole data takes long time, and yet no guarantee to reach the optimal pattern. In general, the purpose of the researchers in image steganalysis stands for distinguishing stego images from cover images. In this paper, we investigated recent works on detecting stego images, particularly those algorithms that adopted evolutionary algorithms. Thus, our work is categorized as supervised learning which consider ground truth to evaluate the performance of given algorithm. The objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of evolutionary algorithms which are attempted to solve this NP-hard problems.